Our Mission Statement
To Celebrate, Proclaim, and Spread the Word of God through Christ.
What We Believe
We believe in the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We hold the Bible as God’s Holy Word of salvation for all the world.
We celebrate Christ’s presence, grace, power, and love in the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.
We teach God’s Word as truth, wisdom, and life, because God is our Truth, Wisdom, and Life.
We proclaim God's Word in our midst and spread His Word to the world so that all may come to know...
"Jesus as Lord and Savior!"

Our Called Staff

Pastor - David Domanski
Pastor David Domanksi graduated in 2005 from Concordia Seminary, and has previously served at several other LCMS churches, participated in prison ministry, and taught at Concordia University. In 2018 he accepted the call to preach at St. Peter Lutheran Church.
Who Are We?
We are many people from many backgrounds. Many have come due to circumstances or desire for something new, yet others are life-long members. Some of us enjoy a traditional worship service, while others prefer contemporary settings.
Some of us root for the Vikings, while others cheer for the Packers. Different in so many ways, yet we share a common place before God. We are all broken sinners who have been put together as God’s family in grace. Like stones that are cut and placed into a building, we are “living stones” (I Peter 2:4-6) in the house of God, built on the Rock of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Enter our house, and you will find a smile, a welcome, and an extension of God’s peace.

Our History
Est. 1863
St. Peter Lutheran Church has been blessed to be able to serve the local community for over 150 years. SPLC was founded by German immigrants leaving from New York and settling in the Afton area. Many of the original church services were held in German to meet the needs of the German immigrant population.
Over the years SPLC has had 18 Pastors accept the call to serve the congregation, and has worked with many different charities.
St. Peter Church cemetery is located on church property and is maintained by church members.
If you are looking for records for genealogical or historical research please contact us at stpeter@stpeterafton.org or by calling at 651-436-3357